This Article Contains Pharmacy Act 1948 Chapter 3
19. Constitution and composition of State Councils.—Except where a Joint State Council is constituted in accordance with an agreement made under section 20, the State Government shall constitute a State Council consisting of the following members, namely:—
(a) six members, elected from amongst themselves by registered pharmacists of the State;
(b) five members, of whom at least 2[three] shall be persons possessing a prescribed degree or diploma in pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry or 3[registered pharmacists], nominated by the State Government;
(c) one member elected from amongst themselves by the members of each Medical Council or the Council of Medical Registration of the State, as the case may be;
(d) the chief administrative medical officer of the State ex-officio or if he is unable to attend any meeting, a person authorised by him in writing to do so;
4[(dd) the officer-in-charge of drugs control organisation of the State under the 5[Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940)], ex officio or if he is unable to attend any meeting, a person authorised by him in writing to do so;]
(e) the Government Analyst under the 5[Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940)], ex officio, or where there is more than one, such one as the State Government may appoint in this behalf:
Provided that where an agreement is made under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 20, the agreement may provide that the State Council to serve the needs of the other participating States also shall be augmented by not more than two members, of whom at least one shall at all times be a person possessing a prescribed degree or diploma in pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry or a 6[registered pharmacist], nominated by the Government of each of the said other participating States, and where the agreement so provides, the composition of the State Council shall be deemed to be augmented accordingly.
20. Inter-State ageements.—(1) Two or more State Governments may enter into an agreement to be in force for such period and to be subject to renewal for such further periods, if any, as may be specified in the agreement, to provide—
(a) for the constitution of a Joint State Council for all the participating States, or
(b) that the State Council of one State shall serve the needs of the other participating States.
(2) In addition to such matters as are in this Act specified, an agreement under this section may—
(a) provide for the apportionment between the participating States of the expenditure in connection with the State Council or Joint State Council;
(b) determine which of the participating State Governments shall exercise the several functions of the State Government under this Act, and the references in this Act to the State Government shall be construed accordingly;
(c) provide for consultation between the participating State Governments either generally or with reference to particular matters arising under this Act;
(d) make such incidental and ancillary provisions, not inconsistent with this Act, as may be deemed necessary or expedient for giving effect to the agreement.
(3) An agreement under this section shall be published in the Official Gazettes of the participating States.
21. Composition of Joint State Councils.—(1) A Joint State Council shall consist of the following members, namely:—
(a) such number of members, being not less than three and not more than five as the agreement shall provide elected from amongst themselves by the registered pharmacists of each of the participating States;
(b) such number of members, being not less than two and not more than four as the agreement shall provide, nominated by each participating State Government;
(c) one member elected from amongst themselves by the members of each Medical Council or the Council of Medical Registration of each participating State, as the case may be;
(d) the chief administrative medical officer of each participating State, ex officio, or if he is unable to attend any meeting, a person authorised by him in writing to do so;
1[(dd) the officer-in-charge of drugs control organisation of each participating State under the 2[Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940] (23 of 1940), ex officio, or if he is unable to attend any meeting, a person authorised by him in writing to do so;]
(e) the Government Analyst under the 2[Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940)], of each participating State, ex officio, or where there is more than one in any such State, such one as the State Government may appoint in this behalf.
(2) The agreement may provide that within the limits specified in clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section (1), the number of members to be elected or nominated under those clauses may or may not be the same in respect of each participating State.
(3) Of the members nominated by each State Government under clause (b) of sub-section (1), 3[more than half] shall be persons possessing a prescribed degree or diploma in pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry or 4[registered pharmacists].
22. Incorporation of State Councils.—Every State Council shall be a body corporate by such name as may be notified by the State Government in the Official Gazette or, in the case of a Joint State Council, as may be determined in the agreement, having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power to acquire or hold property both, movable and immovable and shall by the said name sue and be sued.
23. President and Vice-President of State Council.—(1) The President and Vice-President of the State Council shall be elected by the members from amongst themselves:
Provided that for five years from the first constitution of the State Council the President shall be a person nominated by the State Government who shall hold office at the pleasure of the State Government and where he is not already a member, shall be a member of the State Council in addition to the members referred to in section 19 or section 21, as the case may be.
(2) a [The President] or Vice-President shall hold office as such for a term not exceeding five years and not extending beyond the expiry of his term as a member of the State Council, but subject to his being a member of the State Council, he shall be eligible for re-election:
b 2[Provided that if his term of office as a member of the State Council expires before the expiry of the full term for which he is elected as President or Vice-President, he shall, if he is re-elected or re-nominated as a member of the State Council, continue to hold office for the full term for which he is elected as President or Vice- President.]
24. Mode of elections.—Elections under this Chapter shall be conducted in the prescribed manner, and where any dispute arises regarding any such election, it shall be referred to the State Government whose decision shall be final.
25. Term of office and casual vacancies.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, a nominated or elected member, other than a nominated President, shall hold office for a term of five years from the date of his nomination or election or until his successor has been duly nominated or elected, whichever is longer.
(2) A nominated or elected member may at any time resign his membership by writing under his hand addressed to the President, and the seat of such member shall thereupon become vacant.
(3) A nominated or elected member shall be deemed to have vacated his seat if he is absent without excuse sufficient in the opinion of the State Council from three consecutive meetings of the State Council, or if he is elected under clause (a) or (c) of section 19 or 21, if he ceases to be a registered pharmacist or ceases to be a member of the Medical Council or Council of Medical Registration of the State, as the case may be.
(4) A casual vacancy in the State Council shall be filled by fresh nomination or election, as the case may be, and the person nominated or elected to fill the vacancy shall hold office only for the remainder of the term for which the member whose place he takes was nominated or elected.
(5) No act done by the State Council shall be called in question on the ground merely of the existence of any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution of, the State Council.
(6) Members of the State Council shall be eligible for re-nomination or re-election.
26. Staff, remuneration and allowances.—The State Council may, with the previous sanction of the State Government,—
a) appoint a Registrar who shall also act as Secretary and, if so decided by the State Council, Treasurer, of the State Council;
(b) appoint such other officers and servants as may be required to enable the State Council to carry out its functions under this Act;
(c) fix the salaries and allowances and other conditions of service of the Secretary and other officers and servants of the State Council;
(d) fix the rates of allowances payable to members of the State Council:
Provided that for the first four years from the first constitution of the State Council, the Registrar shall be a person appointed by the State Government, who shall hold office during the pleasure of the State Government.
[26A. Inspection.—(1) A State Council may, with the previous sanction of the State Government, appoint Inspectors having the prescribed qualifications for the purposes of Chapters III, IV and V of this Act.
(2) An Inspector may—
(a) inspect any premises where drugs are compounded or dispensed and submit a written report to the Registrar;
(b) enquire whether a person who is engaged in compounding or dispensing of drugs is a registered pharmacist;
(c) investigate any complaint made in writing in respect of any contravention of this Act and report to the Registrar;
(d) institute prosecution under the order of the Executive Committee of the State Council;
(e) exercise such other powers as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of Chapters III, IV and V of this Act or any rules made thereunder.
(3) Any person wilfully obstructing an Inspector in the exercise of powers conferred on him by or under this Act or any rules made thereunder shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine not exceeding one thousand rupees, or with both.
(4) Every Inspector shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).]
27. The Executive Committee.—(1) The State Council shall, as soon as may be, constitute an Executive Committee consisting of the President (who shall be Chairman of the Executive Committee) and
Vice-President, ex officio, and such number of other members elected by the State Council from amongst themselves as may be prescribed.
(2) A member of the Executive Committee shall hold office as such until the expiry of his term of office as member of the State Council, but, subject to his being a member of the State Council, he shall be eligible for re-election.
(3) In addition to the powers and duties conferred and imposed upon it by this Act, the Executive Committee shall exercise and discharge such powers and duties as may be prescribed.
28. Information to be furnished.—(1) The State Council shall furnish such reports, copies of its minutes and of the minutes of the Executive Committee, and abstracts of its accounts to the State Government as the State Government may from time to time require and copies thereof shall be sent to the Central Council.
(2) The State Government may publish, in such manner as it may think fit, any report, copy, abstract or other information furnished to it under this section.
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