Synonyms Bellodana Leaf, Deadly night shade leaf ( Europen bellodana)

Biological Source:  Belladonna herb consist of dried leaves or the leaves and other aerial parts of Atropa belladonna Linn ( Europen belladonna) or Atropa acuminata Royle ex-Lindley ( Indian belladonna) or mixture of both the species collected when the plant are in floering condition. It belongs to family Solanaceae.
It contain not less than 0.3% of the alkaloids of belladonna herb, calculated as l-hyoscyamine.

Geographical Source; 
     It is indgenous to and cultivated in England and other Europen countries. In India, it is found in the western Himalaya frm Simla to Kashmir and adjoining areas of Himachal Pardesh. Its chief habitat in jammu and its forests of Sindh, and Chinab valley.

Cultivation and Collection; 
                                          Cultivation of belladonna at an alitude of 1400m frm sea level is found to be satisfactory, if proper irrigation facilities are provided. It is observed that he yield per hectare can be increased subtantially by proper cultivation technology. The experiental trials of applications of severa fungicides and insecticides right from the treatment of the seeds upto the foliar sprays were very encouraging. Its cultivation n jammu and kashmir is found to be succesful.
The yield per hectare is found to be 200 – 6000 kg 

Macroscopic Characters;
   Colour –   Leaves Green to brownish-green
                   Flowers- Purple to yellowish brown
                   Fruits- Green to brown
Odour- Slight and characteristic
Taste – Bitter and acrid
Size – Leaves – 5 to 25 cm long & 12cm wide
        – Flower – Corolla 2.5 cm long & 1.5 cm wide
          Fruits – About 10 cm in diameter

It is used as parasympatholytic drug with anticholinergic properties.
It is used to reduce the secreations such as sweat, saliva and gastric juice.
Also to reduce spasm in case of intestinal gripping due to strong purgatives.
It is also used an antidote in opium and choral hydrate poisoning.

0.6 to 1 ml in the form of belladonna tincture 4 times a day