Aloes Uses, Synonyms, Biological Source, Geographical Source, Cultivation and Collection

SynonymsAloe, Musabbar , Kumari



Biological Source of Aloe

Aloes is a dried juice of the leaves of 
Aloe barbandesis Miller, known as Curacao aloes; 
Aloe perryi  Baker, Known as Socotrine aloes.
Aloe ferox Miler and hybrids of this species with Aloe africana Miller
Aloe spicata Baker Known as Cap aloes, belonging to family Liliaceae

Uses of Aloe

  • Aloes is used as a purgative. Its effect is mainly on colon.
  • Aloe Gel Used topical therapeutic applications.
  • Also used in many cosmetic products .`
  • It is also used in the treatment of pains and ichings .
  • And also slow down ulceration and keratosis.
 Geographical Source
   Aloes is indigenous to eastern and southern Africa and grown in Cape colony, Zanzibar and island of Socotra. It is also cultivated in Caribbean islands, Europe and many parts of India including North West Himalayan region.
Common Varieties
Gurguva aloe            –           Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis)
Cape aloe                –           Aloe ferox
Sagotrin aloe            –           Aloe perryi
Cultivation And Collection of Aloes
The genus Aloe consist od about 200 species, some of which are used as source of Aloes.
Soil and Climate
Well drained laterite to loamy soils is suited for aloe cultivation. The soil pH must be ranged from 7.0 to 8.5. Commercial cultivation can be done in regions having 25 – 40°C
Seed and sowing
It is propagated through suckers. The suckers are dipped in 0.1 % Carbendazim for five minutes and planted in the field. For planting one hectare of land, 10,000 suckers are required
Planting season
The planting can be done during two seasons namely June – July and September – October.
Field is thoroughly ploughed and beds of suitable sizes are formed. Suckers are planted at 90 x 90 cm spacing.

It is mainly grown as rainfed crop. During summer months 4-5 irrigations are required.

Incorporate 10 t/ha of FYM during last ploughing. For fertile soils manuring is not required at all. But for low fertile soils, apply 30 kg/ha of Nitrogen + 120 kg/ha of Gypsum during field preparation. In addition, 30 kg N can be applied after 20 days of planting.

Plant protection 
No pest and disease infestation are noticed in aloe. However, under water logged condition, rotting will occur which will be overcome by good drainage practices.

Harvesting can be done 6 – 7 months after planting. Plants are uprooted and processed (gel extraction) within 6 hours after harvest.

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